September 16, 2014

Design Round-up... Gold Finishes + Modern Design

A design element I am loving these days in Interior Design is simple n' chic Gold home accessories and finishes! And my reason is simple - a few well place gold accents can add luxurious style and a fun pop of Glam to any space!  But it's not just the gold accessories that bring a room to life. It's mixing gold elements with clean lines, contemporary furnishings and overall modern designs. So check out my round up of modern spaces with touches of GOLD...

Yes, this is how I love gold...with clean, modern and even contemporary designs!

So what do you guys think? Are you a fan of Gold in Interior Design or not so much. And if you do love gold, how do you incorporate it into your home's decor? So far I've used gold picture frames, gold framed wall art, smaller vases and accessories, a brushed gold reading lamp that I love, and even a few mirrors. I've also become quite addicted to gold spray paint ;)

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  1. I love adding a few touches of gold here and there, it's so glamorous ! Love the first picture, thanks for featuring that. Have a great day !

    1. I love the first picture too. It makes me want to spray paint an end table with great lines!!!

  2. I do!!!! A big fan, I love the subtle and warm bling it brings and usually I add them with my brass vintage pieces! Love your new blog look by the way!

    1. Thanks Vel, and I've seen your vintage brass pieces and they are well...Fabulous! ;)

  3. Im happy to see touches of gold......and love to mix gold and silver together.

    1. Taylor, yes I love mixing gold and silver together too!!

  4. I looooooove GOLD! Have seriously dedicated entire posts (prolly over 30) to the hue, lol. I'm such a glamazon so anything sparkly and brass, I'm all over it! My boudoir is outfitted in all shades of gray, black, and dundundun...yup gleaming gold. Fixtures, hardware, textiles, just love the regency vibe of the whole look.

    Such a perfectly relevant post, If you have a moment, would love to get your thoughts on my latest design!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  5. Thanks for your comment Julie, I love that your a Glamazon, lol!! I'm off to check out your site :)


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