September 3, 2013

Project Rewind...spray painted ORB mirror!


A year ago, I refinished a mirror for a client in an aged oil rubbed bronze finish and am loving the results.  Here's the before...

Yup, it was either repaint this baby or throw it in the trash!  So I chose ORB because the client loves Old Word and dark wood furniture.

This paint sprays on beautifully by the Rustoleum!

For the glaze I used acrylic paint in gold metallic and a dry brush technique.  Here's a close up below.

And here it is finished.  So that's how I refinish a mirror with simple spray paint and acrylic glaze.  Week-end projects like this are one of my favorite things!

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  1. Jane!! Your mirror turned out great, I just love it .


  2. Love it. I love mirrors and plan to add large mirrors to each ofmy rooms this year

  3. Thanks. I always say every room can use a good mirror!

  4. I love what you did to that mirror. Yes, never trash a mirror, unless its broken. And even then use the frame ;)


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