January 10, 2013

PB Everydaysuede Sofa - a review

Ahhh, is this a great way to start the day or what?  This lovely truck delivered our new sofa this past Summer - The Potter Barn Comfort Square Upholstered Sofa.  

And since we've had this sofa for several months now, I thought I'd share a Review of the fabric - Pottery Barn's Everyday suede! I had read so many great reviews about it's stain resistance and was so excited to see for myself.

Our family is very hard on furniture.  With two kids and two dogs keeping furniture clean in our house isn't easy.  But I have to say this Everyday suede doesn't stain the way other fabrics do.  My dog recently put his paws on the couch and left a few dirt marks.  After freaking out for a second, I calmly grabbed a tee towel damp with hot water and simply wiped the dirt mark off.  I did wipe in a few directions and then blotted with a clean dry towel.  Then once the fabric dried, I simply rubbed my hand back and forth on the fabric and voila, those dirt marks were gone!  I am simply amazed at the stain resistance this fabric offers.  

If there is one small negative to this fabric is that it shows every hand mark and finger print.  But quickly goes away by simply smoothing the fabric with your hand.

And here's a picture of the family room opening up to our office.  I have to say that I LOVE this Pottery Barn sofa and would recommend this fabric choice to any busy family with kids and dogs.  In fact, even if your not worried about dirt and stains...this Everydaysuede fabric feels literally like real suede leather.  

Okay in my opinion Pottery Barn's ultra suede fabric is a great choice for it's beauty, durability and stain resistance.

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  1. Thanks Terry, we do too! So nice to have a lighter color sofa and not worry too much about dirt and stains!!

  2. Hi, this has nothing to do with the sofa...but I noticed your TV on the brick fireplace. We are redoing our newly purchased home and would like to mount our TV on the fireplace. How did you hide the cords? And how is it attached? Thanks

  3. You'll need to hire a professional to install it. Our handyman actually removed several bricks to run the cables through. We love it because it maximizes the space in our family room. But remember, that once the flat screen is up...it's permanently there, so make sure that your 100 percent committed!

  4. We are sofa shopping today. I'm actually re-decorating our den very similar to this room. Please, please, please share with me about mounting your tv over the brick fireplace! We are tossing that thought around now and can't decide. Is it wood buring? Gas? Was is easy? Love this space!

    1. Hi Nicole, our fireplace is gas, but even if it were wood burning...I don't think there would be a problem with a flat screen above your fireplace. As long as your smoke ventilation/flute is working properly you should be fine! Mounting the TV on a brick wall actually is not easy. We had a professional from Best Buy install it. It took him several hours. He even had to remove a few bricks to run the cables through. So this is a permanent!!! But having the TV on a wall and not in an armoire...saves so much space. It makes our average sized family room feel much bigger than it is.

    2. Thanks so much Jane! I've been researching this like crazy! And yes I agree it will save so much space. We bought an 80's home about 12 years ago and have been renovating it room by room for years now. It's so much work. Love your blog!

  5. Beautiful living room - thanks for sharing! Is your couch the everyday suede Stone color? I'm debating between Stone and Pewter...stains and dirt from dogs being my main reason to go Pewter, but your post may make me reconsider. :)

    1. Hi our sofa is in the Pewter color. It's like a very warm gray. I've seen all the colors. The stone is very light. So much so, I was worried it would stain.


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