February 1, 2012

Frugalicious Friday Favorites...Valentine's Day Projects!

Can you believe it's February already?  And you know what that means...Valentine's Day is just around the corner!  Here's a look at some fun {LOVE} projects linked up to our linky party Frugalicious Friday last week.  Check out the cuteness...

Adorable Valentine Mantle from The Pleated Poppy

Cupcake Liner Valentine's Wreath from Teagan's Travels

Cork Valentine's Heart from I'm a Yarner

Be Mine Chalkboard from Just Simply Live 

Rick Rack Valentine's Day Towels from A Pumpkin and a Princess

Ahhh, so fun!  Check these ladies out, and give em' some LOVE ;)  And if you link up to Frugalicious Friday...thank you!  Y'all continue to inspire me every week.

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  1. Cute, cute, and cute! I just really love that cork heart. Maybe because I have so many corks...I could have done that!
    Sweet Features. ;)

    Thanks for your weekly link up Jane.

  2. Thank you for featuring my towels. I hope you're having a great day!

  3. cute collection of features - what happy colors and projects!

  4. Great creative ideas for Valentines Day and everyone seems to need a little help with this holiday of love. It seems the more unique the gift the more it is appreciated. Spending a lot of money is not always the answer and it is the thought that counts for this one.

  5. Fantastic items! Hopefully I'll have something for your party soon :-)

  6. Aren't these crafts...just the sweetest!!! I must make the wine cork heart ;)


  7. Love the cupcake liner wreath. So full and scrumptious!!

  8. Thank you so much for linking my blog...YOU MADE MY MONTH!!!! I took your little "i've been featured on" link and put it on my blog. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  9. Ditto from me!!! I was am SO excited that you featured my cupcake liner wreath! I also posted your featured link on my blog! I can't wait to see the new design and link up again next Friday!

    Michelle@Teagan's Travels

  10. Wow, the cupcake liner wreath looks amazing and very fabulous! Especially with those colors! :D


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